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Saturday, 13 October 2007
been a while
so its been forever since i posted anything partially because i went to jerusalem and then changed jobs so it been about as hectic as life on a kibbutz can get but its almost over only two weeks left before i get back to london and to be honest im almost looking forward to it. the kibbutz becomes a huge comfort zone and im kind of getting sick of it, it seems that people (especially israelis) need problems to make there lives interesting so when they run out of them they create some and all the kibbutzniks that have been living here their whole lives are experts at it, but what they dont realise is that if they dont like us its such a small blip on our general radar that when we leave we will have forgotten about it but they will still be here and still be bitter its just a little annoyance that kind of destroys your time here. any way enough bitching, well i have been moved to the pot wash in the dining hall so i get to run around in gumboots and pink gloves all day just what i was made for! it certainly gives a different perspective on a kitchen so thats not a bad thing. oh and here are the pics of my trip to jerusalem other than that just moving along as usual should be getting another lip ring in the next few days so thats exciting any way enough for now later
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
well i have realised that the kibbutz is a great place it get a bit boring quite quickly and while i do enjoy the bananas and being able to swim in the kinneret when i feel like, the thrill kind of wares off especially when there are only 26 volunteers about 19 of whom speak english and arent fucking weird (there are some serious fucking weirdos) so i think im going to move to a different kibbutz just a bit further north right on the border of lebanon (so if israel go to war with them aain like last year it could be soooooooper sweet) but first to jerusalem and hopefully the west bank but they may not let me in there because of my jewishness and the israeli stamp in my passport but i will only know when i get there. jerusalem should be good plenty to see im told. otherwise nothing new to report will be sure to post it when there is as well as some new pics
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
so other than working and drinking not much has really happened on the kibbutz we went for a day trip all over the golan heights (the mountains that line the border with syria and lebanon) it was a pretty cool trip mostly because we managed to come across loads of old busted up tanks that are really fun to play around in (ok maybe only for boys). the area has been one of israels strongest defences against its neighbours since they took it in '67 but that has not really stopped them trying to attack, there have been loads of troops moved to the border after hezbolah (the terrorist group who supplies all our hash) decided to bomb the shit out of tiberias last year, so we also got to watch loads of tanks and personel carriers doing some training in a huge open field. other than that we went to this weird hippy village in the middle of nowhere, sort of felt like kalk bay just much hotter and without the cocktails. so i have posted some pics for everyone to see because a lot of it is a blur (blitzed from start to finish) hope you enjoy them and hopefully i will have more to say soon. NIN are playing in tel aviv this weekend so if i cant get to a trance party i will probably go to that keep well all
banana monkey
banana monkey
Monday, 27 August 2007
i finally have the pc to myself for long enough to post some pics they are mostly of my time in tel-aviv and a few of the people on the kibbutz so here they are hope this works
Friday, 24 August 2007
so loads of people have been asking me to describe my day so here goes. i wake up at about 5:30 every morning (except saturday) and climb in to my filthy work clothes and head off to the banana hut on the kibbutz from there we get driven into the banana fields and it kind of feels like being driven through a jungle in asia somewhere so every morning i have some jimi hendrix going through my head and the feeling that its the sixties. then we have to trim the number of hands on each bunch of bananas for 2 hours then its back to the kibbutz for breakfast then back to the bananas for another six or so hours of trimming the bunches but by the time we get back to the kibbutz for lunch we are all pretty blazed so thats a bonus. after lunch depending on the day before i usually go for a swim in the kinneret or just sit around and drink gold star and smoke. it may not sound like much but its pretty tireing and my alchohol tolerance was rocketed which may or may not be a bad thing. other than that life is pretty easy and chilled, except today when i sliced into my finger with a rusty banana knife not such a good move but i got the rest of the day off so that was pretty sweet any way off to the pub now its friday and i dont have to leave my bed at all tomorrow sweeeeeeet!
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
kibbutz finally
hey everyone sorry it has been such a long time since my last post but the pc at the kibbutz bombed out the day before i got here and its only just been replaced. so the kibbutz i got here and had to spend an hour in an office waiting to be given a room but there was aircon so i was happy then i got given the room right next to the toilet which may not sound great but with the amount i have been drinking in the last week its like striking gold. work wise i have been working in the banana feilds trimming the bunches down its actually quite fun super hot and sweaty and sticky but really good to be spending the day outside and the evening on the beach the kibbutz is right on the shore of lake kinneret up north any way i will write a longer post tomorrow night when the net usage has gotten a bit les manic keep well all
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
off to the kibbutz
hey all i finally registered for a kibbutz and i leave tomorrow its called ein gev and its on the coast of gallilee (lake kinneret) and from what the lady at the kibbutz office says that i will either be picking bannanas or working as a waiter in a restaurant but as long as im not working in a kitchen in this heat i will be happy well im off to sit on the beach and drink cocktails cos i have an early start tomorrow
Friday, 3 August 2007
k the long one
so it has been quite a mad few days got here really early on thursday morning and had to find way my into tel aviv and find a hostel i had booked at a few days ago, so with a small terrible map i wandered around in the sweaty heat with all my stuff going from hostel to hostel looking for the right one (did i mention that drinking ouzo in athens airport is a very bad idea cos its only a 1 1/2 hour flight to israel) i guess it kind of serves me right i had managed to forget my road name and number of my hostel but i remembered where it said it was near so that was kind of ok but i did manage to get to an internet cafe and sort it out then i tried to sleep. tel aviv is not a quiet city and jews are not a quiet people. so after sweating out more booze i managed to get up and go walking around for a bit then met up with benji (katz) and carley(slot) we went to a sweet bar on the beach with cool lights and good drinks then we went back to benji's flat and chilled out for a while. then today we went to the souk at the end of allenby street so i could buy sandals and sleeveless tops and sandals then we went to get pierced so i have a lip ring and they both have nose rings yay now just chilling at the hostel chatting to people online and reading its shabbat so most things will probably be closed but sure i can find a beer tomorrow will post again later with some pics of the holy land unfortunatly tel aviv is not so holy. later
finally here!
well i arrived yesterday to the most intense humid heat of my life i cant really type now but i will post some pictures soon and write a much longer post tonight later
Sunday, 29 July 2007
still so much to do
well its been a very long tough two weeks i worked an absurd number of hours but got duly rewarded so funding for my trip should not be an issue and will have something to come back to, but it still feels like something has been forgotten and i wil get to tel-aviv and have to turn around because i dont have some vital passport bit. well with any luck that wont happen but thats all for now cos i have to do my last shift tomorrow and then have to party at heaven for any one that wants to come with, but not before i have woken up early to hang up washing and go to the dali exhibition with saul jesus what a day its going to be never mind what i have to sort out on tuesday so next time i post will probably be at the airport or in israel.
Friday, 27 July 2007

sorry i think the only person who will really get in any sort of huff about this is candy and even then no one can be sure these days. i had to post it its honestly the funniest pic i have seen in ages mostly just the cosmic jewish zombie line brilliant! anyway started packing or more precisely buying stuff to pack like a sweeeet new jeep backpack and the new harry potter but its to late i read the last page i couldn't help myself im sure im supposed to feel bad but i needed to know who dies and now that i do i will find out why. other than that has been a pretty uneventful few days just waiting for the build up to wednesday other than that if anyone that reads this wants to come for a drink at my work on monday please let me know and i will send you directions k i will be working but you can come say hi have been working like a slave but would be cool to see people before i go any way one in the morning has hit again and i still have 2 doubles ahead of me this weekend.
Thursday, 26 July 2007
the worry sets in.
so it seems now at one in the morning on thursday night is when the stress peaks. i think i have everything i need and enough cash a bit frieked out by the thought of a holiday this long the longest i have not worked is about 2 months (but those that know me know i never really work) so this seems like quite a step. im starting to quite like the idea of moving around for a few years more and seeing what i can and finding somewhere cool to live the states,middle east or australia sweeeeeeet. but knowing that im going with very little idea (other than what was fed to me at a jewish school for 4 (i think) years) of what to expect i have accommodation for the first few days and a shabbat invite from a cousin that i might just take just to settle in for a weekend before i hit the kibbutz registration office IN TEL AVIV!!!! IN 10 DAYS!!!!
Monday, 23 July 2007
so it seems the best thing to do is find a job and stick with it for as long as possible because everytime i leave a job there is always shit and its always weird and out of the ordinary shit, this last week has been so incredibly unpleasant not only was it an 80 hours monster but friday morning the heavens decided to open and london got one months worth of rain in about 4 hours so my entire basement was flooded and i have to work a double... then today happens and it seems the extractor fans seized last night so none of the gas stoves or fryer or grill will turn on and even if they did there is no where for the heat to go or the smoke fun times so i have an hour to work up a new cold menu. its a stroke of fucking luck that i worked larder for as long as i did. well its over now and im off tomorrow so the big move of all my stuff to a temporary residence for the next three months has to take place if anyone wants to look after a n64 please let me know all the others are taken sorry.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
and so it begins
well here is my first post of my new blog its probably going to be quite a quick one as its one in the morning and i have to work again tomorrow. firstly excuse the grammar in this blog its mine and i care very little for grammar. so as most of you know i am going to israel for three months in a last attempt to forget about the misery that awaits me in cape town and also really just to have a party and a good time before i find somewhere to settle down for another year or 2 be it dubai, australia or new york . i also want to have this blog because im sick of the hassle,temptation,addictiveness (you decide) of facebook which i wont be checking while i am in israel so if anyone wants to get hold of me you can through this blog or just mail me it seeing as how i have not yet left i will probably end up talking about whats been happening at work and whats been going through my head but for now my cigarettes have run out and i need to sleep.
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