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Thursday, 26 July 2007

the worry sets in.

so it seems now at one in the morning on thursday night is when the stress peaks. i think i have everything i need and enough cash a bit frieked out by the thought of a holiday this long the longest i have not worked is about 2 months (but those that know me know i never really work) so this seems like quite a step. im starting to quite like the idea of moving around for a few years more and seeing what i can and finding somewhere cool to live the states,middle east or australia sweeeeeeet. but knowing that im going with very little idea (other than what was fed to me at a jewish school for 4 (i think) years) of what to expect i have accommodation for the first few days and a shabbat invite from a cousin that i might just take just to settle in for a weekend before i hit the kibbutz registration office IN TEL AVIV!!!! IN 10 DAYS!!!!